I strive to inspire, not influence. Thus far, I have chosen not to be compensated for posts or stories featuring products or brands to keep my work organic and about the creations; not what I am using to make them. I only work with brands who can provide real world solutions to my work. My hope is that when you see a product, material, or tool playing a genuine and useful roll in my work, that you might find it can provide a real solution for you, as well.
Usually a brand provides tools, equipment, software, materials, or supplies in exchange for permission to post the videos I use them in and a tag when I post the content on my page. I have never made a post to specifically feature or promote a brand and my goal is to maintain that for as long as I can afford to.
Bantam Tools - I am a “Remote Resident” for Bantam Tools. They’re letting me borrow one of their machines to utilize in my work and videos.
Diversified Machine Systems (DMS) - The manufacturer or our “Patriot 4x8” CNC machine. This is the machine in the majority of my videos. It was purchased and is owned by our family business.
Lowe’s Home Improvement - Sells some of the products our design company has developed and patented.
Polytek - The rubber supplier for our family business. I sometimes use their material our company has purchased in my videos.
Purple Mattress - Commissioned a large data sculpture of their office’s surrounding area. They did not pay for any tags, videos, or posts. I voluntarily produced content relating to them as a means to document the work.
Riccobene Designworks - My design company here in Albuquerque, NM.
Riccobene - Our family concrete product business.
Richlite - Sends me material samples in exchange for permission to repost the videos I use them in.
ToolsToday - Provides cutting tools for my CNC projects.
Brands who HAVE paID me to TAG OR POST